One Big Circle cultivates a cooperative culture of compassion by making our mutual interdependence unmistakable.
Meaningful experiences of compassionate connection in intergenerational community.
Experiential and didactic immersions in Nonviolent Communication principles and practices.
Workshops, retreats and trainings in an environment to safely explore power, freedom, and authenticity.
Transformational educational opportunities suitable for all ages to live and learn together.
Our Services include
  • Family​ ​HEART​ ​Camp: Week-long intergenerational trainings for families.

  • Teach for Life Educators Institute: 5 day training for educational professionals, providing practical experience in bringing the principles and practices of Nonviolent Communication to a classroom setting.

  • One​ ​Big​ ​Circle​ ​Weekends: A shorter intergenerational retreat for families.

  • ​Training, Mentorship, and Support ​for​ ​people​ ​who​ ​want​ ​to​ ​facilitate​ ​the​ ​practice​ ​of​ ​ Nonviolent Communication​ ​in​ ​intergenerational​ ​settings.

We have a dream...
...that all children everywhere are treated with unconditional love and respect.
We long for children to have a say in matters that affect them, learn to trust that their needs matter, and are spared unnecessary physical or emotional pain.
We envision a world where children grow up into empowered, caring, compassionate and kind individuals, imbued with a strong sense of purpose and equipped with skills to resolve conflicts and differences and build long-lasting meaningful connections with people around them.
...that all parents everywhere find relief from struggling with their children and have all the support they need to raise their children in accordance with their values.
We want to build a society where parents cherish and enjoy time with their children, attend to their own needs for rest, rejuvenation and self-care, and have meaningful and supportive relationships with their significant others.
We want to help parents gain the skills to inspire joyful cooperation from their children and teach them the values they hold dear, while forming strong, life-long bonds with them.
...that Family HEART Camp is a place where children learn to cherish, honor and respect their parents, and parents learn to cherish, honor and respect their children.
We create a supportive community of like-minded people who feel like a new family by the end of the week. We envision an environment where parents and children thrive, supported by experienced staff and by their new friends.
We want to make it possible for parents and children to learn new skills together to support harmony, cooperation and peace in their families, with lots of play and fun for everyone.
...that Family HEART Camp brings together families from different backgrounds and socioeconomic status to celebrate diversity in all forms.
We long for all families who are drawn to the camp to be able to attend, regardless of their financial means.
Does this dream speak to you?
Now accepting registrations for Summer 2019. Camps througout the United States!
Register now
Nonviolent Communication
Compassionate Communication, also known as Nonviolent Communication or NVC, is a system of ideas and skills with the power to support our living this dream as a reality. NVC originated with Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D, forty years ago, and has been exploding in popularity in recent years as people come to understand its potential to transform our personal lives, our families, and our world in ways that people find deeply satisfying.

Why Family Heart Camp?

HEART stands for Harmony, Ease, Authenticity, Respect, and Trust, important family values that Compassionate Communication supports us in living, both at camp and in the wider world.